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Our Achievements

THE EU KENYA Ranger Program Achivements



Result Area 1 : Effective governance, wildlife, and human security

  • Solar Electric Fence in Labarishereki Secondary School to address human wildlife conflicts
  • Attan Ngaremara Borehole drilled and equipped The borehole has a yield capacity of 25M 3 of water per hour. The project equipped the borehole with a 100 Litres Steel elvated Water tank. In partnership with NAWIRI the water has been piped to Attan village and another 100 litres water tank and water kiosk installed. Water has also been piped to the community farm. A new partnership with a US based International NGO Plantvillage and Jomo Kenyatta University have seen a half an acre greenhouse under construction. This an example of organizations collaboration.
  • Supply of 300 Bee Hives to communities in Leparua
  • Community Land Registration and Titlting in Oldonyiro , Burat and Ngaremara a total of 6,000 titles deeds have been issues in the three wards in partnership with National Government and County Government. Communities in Oldonyiro and Ngaremara have begun the process of seeking registration of their lands
  • Environmental Conservation in Narupa through control of gullies and reclaiming degraded land
  • Department of Land spatial planning workshop
  • Department of Peace and Cohesion staff establishment and induction
  • Supported the County Peace Policy and Bill now at the cabinet level
  • Supported Isiolo County Rangeland Management Policy and Bill which is not at the cabinet level
  • Supported the development of three bills under the Department of Tourism which include:
    • Isiolo County Tourism Bill
    • Isiolo County Wildlife Conservation Bill
    • Isiolo County Community Conservancies Bill
  • The three bills are now at the cabinet level
  • Peace Actitivities a number of peace activities have been undertaken as follows:
  • Moran engangements in Oldonyiro and Burat Wards
  • Peace meetings in Oldonyiro , Burat and Ngaremara wards
  • Peace meeting in Mulango
  • Isiolo County Peace Actors Forum inception and quarterly meetings
  • Isiolo Grassroot Mediation in Mulango program
  • Mpiroi ” peace campaigns in Oldonyiro and Kipsing


Result Area 1 : Effective governance, wildlife, and human security

  • Support the development and legislation of the County Conservation Bill and Rangeland Management Policy
  • Achievements
  • The Conservancy Bill, the drafting of the Conservancy Bill was finalized and presented to the Cabinet for approval. The approved document is yet to be submitted to the County Assembly for next steps and enactment.
  • The Rangeland Management Policy – The drafting of the Rangeland Management Policy was completed. The same is awaiting stakeholder’s engagement process and the cabinet approval and adoption.
  • Result Area 3: Deepening and expanding the community conservancy model – Excavation & Construction of one (3) 25,000m 3 water pan in Baringo County
  • The Three water pans were excavated and constructed at Kapturo , Lemuyak and Simotwo
  • Expansion and construction of Embossos irrigation scheme in Baringo County
  • Rehabilitation of the intake done
  • Rehabilitation and reinstating of the pipeline done
  • Canal lining and excavation of 3 km open canal done
  • Construction of division boxes and ensuring water reaches the farms also done.


Result Area 1 : Effective governance, wildlife, and human security

  • Kurikuri Water Pan
  • Control of invasive species (Cutting of Acacia reficein at Naibunga Lower)
  • Peace actors and Stakeholders meeting at Koija Starbed
  • Traditional Peace Resolution Meetings ( Kipsing ( Nkutuk oongiron (Samburu)and Narasha Laikipia
  • Peace meeting at NYS Kirimon
  • Community Engagement at Shulumai
  • Community Engagement at Fodder production site (Musul)


Result Area 1 : Effective governance, wildlife, and human security

  • Naisunyai water project Drilling and Equipping (ongoing)
  • Meibae invasive species was done successfully.
  • Series of peace meetings.
    • World peace day at baragoi Samburu North.
    • Samburu North Peace meeting between Samburu and Turkana Moran’s,elders
    • Marti peace meeting, Samburu and Turkana
    • Samburu and Pokots professionals peace meeting at Rumuruti
    • Samburu and Pokots meeting at Mugie Ranch.
    • Samburu and Pokots meeting at Naibor


Result Area 1: Effective governance, wildlife, and human security

  • Development of CoPAD 5 year Strategic Plan which has been completed awaiting the launch
  • Development of CoPAD website which is ongoing and almost complete
  • Governors summit two Governors summit done and 4 Governor’s Council meetings
  • United Bank of Africa CoPAD partnership. The engagement has started and held first Governors, CoPAD Secretariat and UBA Senior Management meeting last December
  • National Cohesion and Integration Commission CoPAD collaboration on peace initiative in CoPAD counties
  • CoPAD Bill held first meeting with County Secretaries, County Assembly Speakers and Legal team from the four counties. It was followed by Legal team workshop to review the draft bill. The process is not complete and ongoing
  • Ratification of CoPAD Memorandum of Understanding in the four counties. The MOU has been tabled in the four county assemblies. Laikipia and Baringo have ratified while Samburu and Isiolo have suggested the MOU to be accompanied by CoPAD Bill
  • CoPAD Peace celebration in Rumuruti, Laikipia
  • Peace Meetings several peace meetings supported by CoPAD which include:
    • The Ol Moran peace meeting that brought MCAs and opinion leaders in CoPAD meeting
    • The inter county peace meetings in RumRum and Oldonyiro. The RumRum meeting is in record as having successfully reconciling the Pokots and Samburu in Laikipia
    • World International Peace Day in Baragoi, Samburu
  • Supported the Maa Peace Initiative aimed to resolve conflicts between the maa communities in Isiolo, Laikipia and Samburu and initiative led by Governors from Narok, Kajiado and Samburu

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